Boosting in Zekret allows you to enhance your deposits to earn more Zekret Points (ZP) over time. When you opt to boost, the assets you commit are permanently allocated to support liquidity on the Zekret mainnet—forming an 'ownerless' liquidity position that fuels ecosystem growth. Any liquidity provider (LP) tokens generated in this process will be burned to maintain value.
The initial boost multiplier is set at 5x, though this may adjust in response to community feedback and market conditions. Once you activate a boost at a specific multiplier, it remains fixed—even if base multipliers are later modified. This guarantees that your boost continues to operate at the initial rate for its duration, independent of any subsequent changes. Please note: Boosted assets are permanently locked to provide liquidity on the Zekret mainnet and cannot be withdrawn at any future point.
When you deposit assets into a Zekret pool, you have the option to boost either a portion or the entirety of your deposit to maximize your potential Zekret Points (ZP) earnings:
Boost Activation: When you choose to activate a boost, you permanently commit a designated portion of your deposited assets. These assets are then allocated to enhance liquidity on the Zekret mainnet, supporting the ecosystem's growth and stability.
Partial or Full Boost Options: You can elect to boost either a part of your deposit or the full amount. The extent of your boost directly influences the rate at which you accrue ZP. For example, if you deposit 1,000 FI and decide to boost 200 FI, the remaining 800 FI will earn ZP at the standard rate. Meanwhile, the 200 FI that are boosted will accrue ZP at an accelerated rate of 5x, significantly increasing your total ZP earnings over time.
This mechanism is designed to encourage active participation and investment in the network’s liquidity, enhancing both individual gains and the overall robustness of the Zekret platform.
Last updated